OvO Game Online

Play thrilling parkour challenge OvO games online for free!

What is OvO?

OvO is an exhilarating fast-paced parkour game that demands quick reflexes and precise skills.

OvO Gameplay Mechanics

The game offers a variety of levels, each more challenging than the last, promising an exciting and rewarding experience for players of all skill levels. The objective of OvO is to complete each level by leaping, sliding, and wall-running your way through a series of obstacles and traps.

OvO Game Controls

Before you embark on your parkour journey, familiarize yourself with these basic controls:

Left Arrow/Right Arrow: Move your character left and right.

Up Arrow: Make the character jump.

Down Arrow: Make the character crouch.

R Key: Restart the level if you make a mistake or get stuck.

OvO Gameplay

In OvO, success relies on your ability to string together a series of parkour moves to overcome the level's challenges. Here are some essential gameplay tips:

Timing is Key: Pay close attention to the movement of platforms and traps, and act at just the right moment.

Practice Makes Perfect: Don't be discouraged by initial failures. Practice each level to become more familiar with its obstacles.

Observe and Plan: Take a moment to observe the level layout before diving in. Planning your path will improve your chances of success.

Experiment: Don't be afraid to try different approaches. Sometimes, an unconventional move might be the key to victory.

Get ready to test your reflexes and problem-solving skills in OvO. With its challenging levels and precise controls, OvO offers an engaging parkour experience for players seeking a fast-paced challenge. Good luck, and enjoy your OvO adventure!

How to Beat All Levels in OvO Game?

OvO Game Level 1 (Basics Chapter)

Level one is nice and simple, all you have to do is move to the right (with the arrow keys) and then perform one jump with the spacebar over the gap. You can collect the coin in the gap first if you so choose.

OvO Game Level 2

For this level move to the right and perform two jumps. You will eventually reach a wall in front of you. Go directly next to this wall until you’re touching it then jump. You will get a much higher jump and be able to hop over on top.

Make your way to the hatched lines from here and jump then press the down arrow key to smash through. Move to just under the next platform above and do one more smash then jump immediately after to reach the next platform. Reach the flag afterward.

OvO Game Level 3

Slide down the wall in front of you then go up to the wall to the right of you. Jump into this wall then move over to the left wall, and keep wall-jumping up until you reach the platform. From here you can get to the flag.

OvO Game Level 4

Slide under the first wall (run and press the down arrow key) then stop. Perform another slide but jump while sliding before you fall off the edge. From here you then can jump over to the flag.

OvO Game Level 5

Jump over the first set of spikes then slide and jump up onto the small platform. From here you can jump and dive over to the flag. Press the down arrow key while you are in the air to dive over.

OvO Game Level 6

Make one jump and dive over to the platform then immediately jump when you land. This will let you move over to the next area. From here you can move onto the spring in front of you and get up to the top platform. Proceed to the right and drop down. From there you can slide onto the next spring after a slide under the wall.

Now use the next spring and continue on the path — jumping when you have to — until you reach a wall jump area. Make a few wall jumps and then you can reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 7

Wall jump in this level for the first part until you land on the hatched lines. Jump and do a smash down to then get through the platform. Perform another few wall jumps and you can reach the flag after.

OvO Game Level 8

For OvO level 8 you will have to jump over the first set of spikes and then jump off the next platform. Dive then jump again when you hit the ground. This will catapult you from a spring up towards the flag.

OvO Game Level 9 (Getting Serious Chapter)

On your journey to beat all levels in OvO, level 9 is where things start ramping up in difficulty. You will see the flag directly to your left. If you try and walk into it a wall will come down in front of it.

Make your way to the right and jump then dive over the spikes. Jump over the gap in the ground and go up to the side of the wall. Jump when touching the wall and move right up onto the next platform. Hop up to the ledge then wall jump up to the top.

Slide under the spikes then jump, dive, jump again, and smash downwards with the down arrow key when you’re in between the wall and the spikes. You will then reach the flag. Timing is key here.

OvO Game Level 10

OVO Game Level 10

For level 10 you will want to slide into the first “Strong” spring, from here you will get sent up to the “Weak” spring which will then bring you to the next platform. Jump down the gap at the left side wall and hit into the spring on the side. It will bounce you to the next section.

From here you can jump over the spike and walk into the next spring. Jump over the next spike and then reach the springs. Bounce up them until you reach the top and you can also wall jump to get an extra boost. Now walk into the next spring and jump up to hit the diagonal spring.

Afterward, go through the spring corridor and dive (down arrow key) when your character is moving upwards to get over the spikes. From here walk into the flag.

OvO Game Level 11

For level 11 jump over the first spikes then run to the right. When you drop down to the next section, turn left and slide under the wall but jump before you hit the spikes. When you are above the gab on your jump, smash downwards.

Slide under the next wall and into the spring. You can either smash downwards after you have passed the spikes or you can hold your left arrow key and tap it until you land safely. From here proceed to jump up the springs to the flag. Wall jump if you need it at the top.

OvO Game Level 12

The first section of this level is all about timing your wall jumps. You need to get over the spikes by wall-jumping to various platforms above them. If you continue to wall jump whenever you can, you will reach the other side in no time.

In the next part, you can wall jump up again but this time tap or hold your left arrow key when reaching the top platform to ensure you don’t land on the spikes. Jump over the spikes and then perform another jump to the left but also dive in the air to reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 13

For level 13 you have to walk under the first sets of spikes and walls. Take things slowly and then proceed to the next area. Make your way up the side walls until your reach the top section. Jump over the spikes that are rising up and make your way to the flag.

OvO Game Level 14

When you start level 14 jump up to either the left or the right where it says “Here” on the screen. You can then wall jump up to the top again and make your way through the corridor. There are gaps in the tops that you can use to jump up and avoid the moving wall of spikes. There are also two gaps you can drop into.

Continue through the corridor until you can wall jump over the spikes and dive to reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 15

In level 15 stick as close to the center as you can in order to avoid the moving walls and spikes. You will eventually be able to wall jump up the middle to get to the flag at the top.

OvO Game Level 16

There is a sneaky shortcut for level 16 that you can use. This can be done by jumping down the right side off of the platform and moving around to reach the bottom flag without hitting anything. However, if you prefer to complete the level the normal way you just have to move around and avoid the spikes which will go through the platform.

OvO Game Level 17 (Higher Order Chapter)

In level 17 you can push yourself into the walls while sliding down to slow down on them. Perform small jumps off them to the other side’s wall to avoid the spikes. Do this throughout the level and you will be reaching the flag in no time.

OvO Game Level 18

At this level, you can use the first spring to jump yourself up to the platform underneath the hatched lines. Jump through them and then make your way up the wall. Get over to the other side and then smash down through the next set of hatched lines.

You will be back in the main area now and you can jump through the final set of hatched lines to reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 19

In level 19 you will have to combine a variety of slides, jumps, and wall jumps to make your way through. Avoid the spikes and make dives when you need to. By always being on the move with your jumps you will be at the flag at the top in no time.

OvO Game Level 20

OVO Game Level 20

When starting this level you will want to move to the left and slide and jump over the first set of spikes. Hug the wall (stand close to it) on the left and then jump to get over the next set of spikes and hit the spring.

Make your way through the level naturally wall jumping and avoiding the spikes until you get to a central area with a spring facing diagonally. Jump into this and then go up through the hatched lines. Slide, jump, and then dive to reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 21

For level 21 use the springs and jump up them avoiding the spikes as you go. If you are successful at this you will be able to get to the flag at the top platform. As a piece of advice, it can be beneficial to tap the arrow keys instead of holding them if you need more fine-tuning on movement with landing.

OvO Game Level 22

After you have gotten used to fine-tuning movement you will be able to put it to the test at this level. When jumping on the springs, tune your movement and land in the small gaps. You will eventually keep making your way through the level until you can get to the flag.

Dives can also be useful to speed things up even more.

OvO Game Level 23

For level 23 make your way through the level by using all of your core movement mechanics. Wall jumping and dives are going to be useful here. Keep going through the level until you reach the section where there is a note saying “Believe and Dive”. Get to the edge of the platform and jump and dive off. You will then reach the flag which waits below you.

OvO Game Level 24

For level 24 you will have to make your way around a maze of spikes. The best way to get through this level is by combining slides and jumps when you need to. There will also be times you have to wall jump up the sides of walls to get past various spikes on your way. With some practice, you will be able to get to the flag in the center.

OvO Game Level 25 (Mechanics Chapter)

Level 25 acts as a tutorial level for the Mechanics chapter. Make your way down and up the left side to then hit the switch at the top by walking into it. Smash through the hatch lines and walk into the flag on the right.

OvO Game Level 26

On level 26 there will be three “doors” you have to open. If you get eliminated after activating one switch you won’t lose any door progress. Jump down through the gap at the bottom of the floor and you can activate the first switch in the room below. From there make your way back up and go into the second-door room.

Make your way up to the top left platform and jump across to activate the next switch. From there you can then go into the next door from the central area and activate the next switch to open the flag door. Wall jump up and you can then reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 27

For OvO level 27 you have to dive and jump above the first set of spikes but keep beneath the spikes moving downwards. Continue through the main pathway of the level until you reach an area with a diagonal spring. When you are jumping down to this section, don’t move when you fall through the right-side gap to land on the platform.

Go into the spring and then jump through the hatched lines and slide and jump then dive to reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 28

Level 28 will have you avoiding a sliding wall of spikes. Hit the switches as you are going and jump and dive through the wall of spikes. Make your way to the far right and go down to the next section.
Jump over and slide under the ceiling of spikes.

From here you can smash through the hatched lines to activate the next switch. Go to where it says “wrong way” and then jump up to go into the wall. Move through and get up to the top until you can jump over the spikes and get to the flag.

OvO Game Level 29

For level 29 hit the switch then go on the moving platform. Walk forwards and move over to the next platform. Slide and jump to get above this and continue along the path, jumping to avoid the spikes as you go. Smash through the hatched lines and activate switches along the way. Jump on the spring and then either take the platform to the flag or jump and dive to get to the platform and then the flag.

OvO Game Level 30

OVO Game Level 30

In level 30 slide under the first set of spikes and smash down through the hatched lines. When the platform is moving to the left, jump, smash, then jump again to get to the spring. From here you can ride the platform until above the next hatched lines. Wait on the hatched lines until the lower platform is underneath. Smash through to reach that platform.

Proceed to time this in a similar way for the next sections and then go through the hatched lines that do not have a symbol above them. Activate the switch and then ride the next moving platform. Jump over the spikes and don’t hit the switch here. Finally, reach the flag after that section.

OvO Game Level 31

In level 31 you will have a moving floor map which is caused by activating the switches. Make your way to the left of the map activating switches as you go. Work your way around the map until you get to the flag up at the top reached by wall jumping after opening the top red wall with a switch.

OvO Game Level 32

For level 32 you will have to be quick. Slide under the first two sets of walls and activate the switches. Activate the next switch and jump, smash, then jump and dive through the top opening gap. Go into the spring in the next area and keep sliding until you reach a gap in the floor. Drop through here and then activate the switch.

Make your way back up and around to get to the flag at the far right of the level.

OvO Game Level 33 (OvO Space Program Chapter)

Within level 33 you have to go through the red platform when it opens up. Drop through and then jump over the spikes to the right side. When you hit the switch and the rocket fires, run back and keep jumping over the spikes as you go. Jump and smash down through the red-hatched lines.

Now you can then run to the right and slide through the next hatched lines to drop down and keep sliding to the right. You will avoid the rockets while doing this and then slide into the springs to get to the flag area. Jump and smash through the hatched lines to reach it.

OvO Game Level 34

In level 34 you will need to go to the right and hit the switch up at the top. Use the walls for cover from the rockets if you need to. Go to the left and then work your way up to the next switch by standing next to the left-side wall and jumping. This will get you more height and allow you to start getting up to the area with the switch.

Go back to the main room and go through the gap in the floor. Run and jump to avoid the spikes and keep activating switches as you’re running. Proceed through the area and then you will get to the flag. You will need to slide and jump over the final set of rockets and then smash through the hatched lines.

OvO Game Level 35

For level 35 you will notice that the red platform at the bottom will start to rise up. All you have to do is avoid the rockets until the platform lifts up and you can slide under to reach the flag beneath there.

OvO Game Level 36

In level 36 you have to slide under the first set of spikes and then jump before you reach the next. Do another slide after this and hit the switch. You can then make your way back with a similar process. Activate the next switch at the left and then wait until the walls open. Go down and make your way through the corridor until your reach the springs.

Get up the springs and when hitting the top one: hold the left arrow key to avoid the ceiling spikes. You don’t have to activate the next switch so go to the next spring and get around up on the top. You can then make your way down until you can slide, jump, dive, and then smash downwards to reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 37

For level 37 there is a shortcut that you can get to by jumping down to the bottom floor which is hidden on the screen. Make your way to the right and jump over the spikes to reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 38

Level 38 is quite sneaky. When the red platform opens up, wall jump back to where you came from. You can find the flag by exiting at the top left, falling down, and moving to the left while in the air.

OvO Game Level 39

In level 39 you have to slide, jump, and dive over the set of spikes and then fall down to the flag. That is how to complete this level. You will get a nice view of what looks like starry skies in the background.

OvO Game Level 40

OVO Game Level 40

Level 40 is nice and simple, you can move to the left and slide and jump-dive over the spikes. Jump off the edge and you will reach the flag in a quick shortcut.

OvO Game Level 41 (Journey Through the Portal Chapter)

On level 41 you can wall jump up the first walls you are in between. Go through the portal on the first platform and then hit the switch on the left side. Now you can go into the red portal at the top after wall jumping up. Proceed through the general pathway and you will eventually have to run to a big portal which will end the level.

OvO Game Level 42

For level 42 use the moving spike platforms as elevators to get up to the top. You can jump across without activating the spring when the platforms have moved up. Continue on with the level and jump on the springs which will take you up to the next section. Eventually, you will reach a gap with spikes and you need to go to the right and avoid the spikes to reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 43

In level 43 get to the main central section and then jump, smash, and jump beneath the hatched lines to hit the switch. Jump through the portal and then wall jump up the next section until you reach the portal. Slide from here and hit the next switch. When you do you will get another portal from where you can slide under the next hatched lines.

Activate the switch then go into the portal. From here wall jump up to reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 44

In level 44 you have to go through the portal at the bottom right. Dive through the hatched lines and then use the left green portal after proceeding through the area. You will eventually reach another one to take you out of another portal. Go through the red portal then the other portal at the top right to continue onward to the flag.

OvO Game Level 45

For level 45 slide into the first portal and hop over the next spike to then do the same after out the portal. Continue going through the portals. Keep going through them until you reach the falling section.

While falling keep to the right first, then left, the right, then you will end the level after this.

OvO Game Level 46

In level 46 you will need to slide and jump over the first set of spikes to hit the spring. Proceed through the portal and slowly work your way through the next set of spikes. Take your time when you can use the walls as rocket cover. Go through the green portal (bottom portal) when you reach a wall of three portals.

When another wall of three portals again, go through the middle red one. This will take you to a room where you have to go through the blue portal and the right-side wall. It will take you just above the flag where you can reach it.

OvO Game Level 47

In level 47, wall jump up to hit the first switch. Make your way into the central room and then jump, up to the left platform. Jump, smash, then jump again to reach the portal on top of the rocket which you can go through. Proceed through the portals until you reach the spring section. You will have to jump and smash onto them in order to make them not bounce you.

When your reach the end of the spring corridor you can jump up to go into the green portal at the top. Go through the left portal and then keep going left and dive to reach the next green portal. Jump and dive to get over the wall and then when you go through the next portal you will be at the flag.

OvO Game Level 48

When you start level 48 you must go through the right-side blue portal. Make your way through the spheres of spikes and then you can jump onto the hatched line platform moving upwards. Go through the top blue portal and start making your way down to the next area.

Once at the bottom you can jump and dive through the spikes until you go through the next portal. Dive, jump, and smash when you see the next blue portal below you. Continue through the next section and stand next to the red wall until the rocket is close. Jump over it and wall jump up to hit the switch.

Go back to where the red wall was and slide under the sphere of spikes and you can go through the next area to activate the switch. Eventually, a new gap will appear and you can go through to hit the next switch. Slide through and you will be able to reach the flag after you get to the next section. It will be sticking out one of the floors.

OvO Game Level 49 (Community Levels Chapter)

In level 49 slide and jump over the first spikes and smash down to hit the ground. Make your way over the next set of spikes until you are below the hatched lines. Do a smash jump and then wall jump off the tiny piece of wall jutting out at the top left below the hatched lines. Proceed up through the hatched lines.

You can then slide under the hatched lines to the left and smash down to land on the ground. Get over the next set of spikes and get into the red wall box with the hatched lines. Slide through these and use the box as a wall-jumping platform to get up. Smash through the hatched lines that has the “1” above them.

Now you can reach the flag to the right of you.

OvO Game Level 50

In level 50 you will have to time your jumps and dives through various sets of moving spikes. This one will take some practice but you will just be timing your jumps as you go. Sometimes you will also have to fall through gaps of spikes too. The flag will be found at the bottom of the level.

OvO Game Level 51

Level 51 acts a little like a spike obstacle course. You will have to be very active as you are making your way up, down, and across the spikes. As you get used to the level layout this won’t cause you too much hassle but it will take some time to get through.

Practice your jumps and especially make sure to land on the smaller platforms with precision. After hitting a few switches you will reach a box with rockets. Quickly hit the switch and smash through the hatched lines to get out of there before the rockets.

You can now wall jump up and go to the right in order to reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 52

In level 52, jump and dive through the spikes to hit the switch. You will land on the moving platform. From here you can then jump up to the top left wall when it reaches the side and wall jump off of it. You will then get to the next section. Go down through the area avoiding the spikes along your way.

Smash through the hatched lines above the gap in the spikes and go to the left side. Jump and smash through the next hatched lines at this section to hit the next switch. Quickly jump over the moving wall of spikes and activate the switch in the wall by walking into it.

Proceed to the left and slide and jump over the spikes. Activate the switch at the left of the map where you can get through the red wall that lowers. Now quickly jump and dive over the box to avoid the rockets. Quickly turn left and slide through the hatched lines to activate the next switch. The red floors will open and you will activate the next switch.

Go to the left when you hit the floor and slide or jump onto the spring on the left side. You will get catapulted up and when you get taken to the room with the large switch you will go through the hatched lines. Quickly jump and dive to the left to complete the level with the flag.

OvO Game Level 53 (The Gauntlet Chapter)

For level 53, jump and dive through the first two sets of spikes. Slide under the next set and then get up the left wall to jump and dive over the next set. Do a small jump and dive through the gap for the next section and then speed up to slide and dive through the next portion.

Make your way across the flying platforms and jump and slide down. Make your way up to the flag from here.

OvO Game Level 54

In level 54 you will have to run to the right-side wall first and wall jump. Then run to the left side and wall jump from there. Go up through the hatched lines and jump up the platforms quickly through the next set of hatched lines.

Afterward, you can jump and dive down on the left side of the hatched lines to wait until the wall of spikes joins together. You can then wall jump up to the flag.

OvO Game Level 55

In level 55 you have to jump over the spheres of spikes until you reach the sphere of spikes blocking your path. Wait until the platform moves down and then you can slide underneath the sphere. Quickly jump while sliding to get above the next sphere.

Proceed to perform this same rhythm throughout the next section. You will then reach a platform that moves through the center of the spheres. Stay on this and don’t jump until you have to get over spheres of spikes.

There will be one time you have to slide under the spikes so be sure to do that and then reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 56

Level 56 will turn black and white and you need to keep moving and jumping to the right. Land on the safe platforms when you can until you can jump and get over to a switch. Keep staying on the hatched line platform until it moves you down the corridor.

When you have reached the bottom, slide, and wall jump on the sections you have to until you loop up and around to the spring on the floor. Jump on it and you will be taken to the roof of the level. Make your way through the next area and the flag will be there.

OvO Game Level 57

For this level, you will have to jump and dive under the spikes that wait in your path. Eventually, you will reach the side wall at which point you can slide under one of the sets. Dive to the left side and make your way up the hatched lines.

There is a platform corner that you can stand on for the next section, jump here — be prepared for another jump. When you get close to the wall jump up and wall jump again.

You can then smash down and jump to get more height to reach the other platforms. Get through the hatched lines and then move to the right when you are going down the side. There is another corridor where you have to time your jumps to get across the hatched lines to reach the flag.

OvO Game Level 58

In level 58 jump to the side wall and slide down it until you can make small jumps across to the other side past the spike. You can then make your way down doing that until you reach the platform near the bottom left.

From here jump and dive across to get past the next set of spikes. Jump and dive again to reach the left small platform. Jump up to the next one and then jump and dive to the top platform.

Then you can get across the wall platform on the right side to then wall jump to the next section. Hop down and time yourself with the springs to get past the square spikes. You will be able to be bounced up to the top with the left-side spring. Jump over the spikes from here and then you will reach the flag after jumping down and then moving to the left.

OvO Game Level 59

Level 59 will require you to perform a lot of dives to avoid spikes. The platforms at the sides of different blocks are portals in this level. You will be able to tell if it is a portal by it having any color on them. Make your way through these and continue to slide and jump above spikes when necessary. You will reach the flag by keeping a lookout for exactly where the spikes are.

OvO Game Level 60

In level 60 jump over the first set of spikes to the small gap. You will then be able to jump over to the next set too. From here jump and dive up to the top and then move down and to the left. Jump and dive over the spikes and then jump up to the next platform.

After this jump left and dive over to smash through the hatched lines. Slide and jump until in between the next gap between the spikes. Do this again to reach the portal which you can smash down into. Proceed through the corridor section avoiding the spikes until you reach another portal — go through this.

You will then be in a moving square where you have to move around to avoid the spheres of spikes. Hit the switch when you reach it by jumping into it and then continue to avoid the spheres of spikes while the square is moving. You will eventually reach the flag in the square.

There you have it, information on how to beat all levels in Ovo. Time to get ready to face this platformer once again now you know all of the tips and tricks.